9/28 AEW Collision: Grand Slam Results

9/28 AEW Collision: Grand Slam Results

9/28 AEW Collision: Grand Slam Results – From Arthur Ashe Stadium, the second half of AEW’s annual New York “Grand Slam” special kicks off with Saraya’s as she comes to the ring with Harley Cameron by her side.

Saraya’s Rules: Saraya vs. Jamie Hayter

Jamie Hayter comes down, but Harley Cameron is on the mic. She says there’s one more rule this evening: the match does not begin until Saraya “slaps the slag.” Hayter offers her face willingly, shoves Cameron, then takes the slap. Hayter takes the advantage and stomps Saraya in the corner, but she’s fighting Cameron as well so it’s basically a handicap match. Hayter manages to get to the outside, where she delivers a kick to Saraya and rolls her into the ring. Cameron grabs Hayter’s leg, however, and while she’s distracted, Saraya hits Hayter with a VCR, then proceeds to hit her while she’s down with a keyboard. Saraya wraps the keyboard cord around Hayter’s neck and chokes her for a while before going for a pinfall, but Hayter kicks out at one.

Saraya tosses Hayter from the ring, where Cameron attacks her on the outside, throwing her into the ringside barricade.Cameron mounts Hayter and chokes her, then picks her up so Saraya can give her four shots to the head with a baking sheet. On the fifth shot, however, Hayter dodges and Saraya hits Cameron, then delivers a German Suplex to Saraya on the outside. Cameron jumps on Hayter’s back, but Hayter runs her into the barricade. Saraya nails Hayter in the back with a steel pipe to regain the advantage, then grabs a backpack and upends it to spill toy cars all over a table. No word on when that got set up.

Hayter fights back and takes out Cameron, then throws Saraya into the barricade. She throws Saraya back in the ring and celebrates, Saraya goes for a basement dropkick but Hayter catches her. Cameron with the distraction again, allowing Saraya to attempt another attack, but Hayter sends her crashing to the floor. Hayter chases Cameron around the ring, then climbs to the top rope, dragging Saraya with her. Cameron climbs up and grabs her, however, allowing Saraya to hit Hayter with a chair, sending both Hayter and Cameron into the toy car-covered tables. Saraya goes for a cover outside the ring but Hayter kicks out.

Saraya gets in the ring and she wants a count-out victory. As usual, the referee gets to nine before Hayter throws herself back into the ring. Saraya hits whatever she’s calling the Rampaige now, but Hayter kicks out. Saraya goes for a powerbomb, but Hayter reverses, gets Saraya on her shoulders and runs her through a table that somebody set up in the corner. Again, no word on the tables situation. Saraya goes to whip Hayter’s head into a chair set up in the corner, but Hayter reverses and does that to Saraya instead. Hayter with a Tombstone Piledriver, but she doesn’t go for the cover. Hayter drags Saraya back to her feet and hits a massive lariat for the victory.

Winner: Jamie Hayter

In a backstage interview, Renee Paquette is talking to Ricochet and Will Ospreay. Ricochet compares himself to Kobe Bryant and says he wasn’t even here a minute before the Don Callis Family and Ospreay got in his face. Ospreay says Ricochet has forgotten who he is and calls himself the best wrestler in the world right now.

Tornado Six-Man Tag Match: The Conglomeration vs. The Learning Tree

All six men immediately go after each other following their respective entrances. Jericho chops Orange Cassidy into the corner, then delivers punches. Jericho goes for a running attack on Cassidy, but Cassidy turns his back and Jericho runs into his backpack. Cassidy hits Jericho with the backpack and reveals it had a brick inside it. He”s then attacked by Bryan keith, who delivers a T-Bone Suplex to O”Reilly before taking a Slumdog Millionaire from Cassidy. O’Reilly takes out Keith but now Big Bill is in the ring. Cassidy and O’Reilly manage to get him out of the ring. Mark Briscoe sets up a chair and goes for a tope to the outside, but Jericho catches him and slams him into the chair. Jericho waves to the crowd as we go to commercial.

Back from break, Jericho is in control but Cassidy sends him flying into Keith and rolls up Jericho for a two count. Big Bill then levels Cassidy and takes down O’Reilly with the Bossman Slam. Bill tends to Keith in the corner, Briscoe attacks all three with chops and “redneck kung fu,” taking Jericho down, but Big Bill hits him with a kick and taunts him. Bill throws Briscoe into the corner but knocks Keith off the apron, but Jericho nails Briscoe with a Codebreaker.

Cassidy and O’Reilly are back and they sit Jericho on a chair and taking turns delivering kicks to Jericho, and then to Keith sitting on Jericho. But now Big Bill is back and takes them all down, but as he tries to step out of the ring O’Reilly gets him with a dragon screw leg whip over the top rope. Bill takes a shot to the head and falls off the apron, but Jericho gets taken down and this time Briscoe is able to hit the chair-assisted tope to the outside. Briscoe puts a table in the ring and delivers shots to Jericho before going to set up the table in the center of the ring. Jericho rolls up Briscoe, who kicks out. Briscoe goes for the Jay Driller and hits it, but instead of pinning Jericho he puts him on the table and goes to the top rope. Briscoe with a taunt, but that takes long enough for Bill to appear and chokeslam Briscoe off the top rope through the table, with Jericho rolling out of the way just in time. Jericho crawls into the cover on Briscoe and gets the three.

Winners: The Learning Tree

After the match, Jericho makes the title belt gesture, signaling he’s coming for Briscoe’s ROH World Championship. Rocky Romero comes out to ensure no further violence occurs.

Brody King vs. Action Andretti

Brody King walks out to the ring for his match with Action Andretti, who is having anger management issues. Andretti’s stable comes out with him at first but then lets him go out there on his own. Andretti attacks right away and starts attacking the back of King’s knee, then comes off the ropes with a dropkick. Andretti with a standing Shooting Star Press for a one count. Andretti runs at King again but King slaps him down. King lifts Andretti up on his shoulders, but Andretti escapes and starts weaving around King, eventually hitting him with an enzuiguiri from the apron. Andretti goes for a springboard move but King clocks him in the face, sends him into the corner, and delivers the Cannonball for the three count.

Winner: Brody King

After the match, Top Flight comes out again, but are attacked by The Righteous. Andretti comes over the top rope with a dive and takes down Vincent, and the two teams stare each other down.

A video is shown of Jack Perry’s “Scapegoat” van driving to the arena. Upon arrival, it stops and Perry gets out, bringing his title to the ring for an open challenge.

Jack Perry TNT Championship Open Challenge

Perry gets in the ring, but before he can say or do anything, Minoru Suzuki’s music hits, and he comes out to accept the open challenge.

The bell rings, and Perry and Suzuki stare one another down. Suzuki gets the crowd into it, Perry, poses to boos. Perry delivers a forearm to the face, then another, and a third. They’re not doing anything. Suzuki is asking for more, gets it, then delivers a shot of his own, which drops Perry to his knees. Suzuki still wants Perry’s best shot, and Perry starts delivering chops, which are only making Suzuki laugh. Suzuki hits Perry with a chop that knocks him down in the former, followed by a big headbutt. Suzuki whips Perry into the other corner and follows up with a running boot. Suzuki grounds Perry, traps his arm, and begins bending his hands and fingers as Perry screams in pain. Suzuki wrestles Perry to the ground, face-down, then kicks Perry’s own arm into his back. Perry writhes in pain as we go to a break.

Back from commercial, Perry has the advantage, hitting Suzuki with a neckbreaker for a two count. Perry mounts Suzuki and his strikes, before getting up and taunting the crowd. Suzuki gets to his knees and Perry delivers knees, but Suzuki doesn’t stop. Suzuki laughs off more of Perry’s strikes and gets him in a rear-naked choke. Suzuki goes for a piledriver but Perry counters with a back body drop. Suzuki chokes Perry on the ropes, then takes him to the outside and throws him into the barricade. Suzuki grabs a chair and hits Perry with it right in front of the referee, but Aubrey Edwards doesn’t DQ him, taking the chair away instead. Suzuki rolls Perry back into the ring, but Perry hits a kick as Suzuki is coming back in himself. Perry throws Suzuki into the ring steps, then delivers a hanging DDT from the ring apron the floor. Perry then backs up and hits a running knee strike, driving Suzuki into the steps. He then rolls back into the ring and scores a count-out victory.

Winner and still AEW TNT Champion: Jack Perry

After the match, Perry mounts Suzuki again and delivers punches. He prepares to do more, but Katsuyori Shibata runs in to make the save. Perry leaves in disgust and Shibata shakes Suzuki’s hand in the ring as we go to another break.

AEW World Trios Championship: Blackpool Combat Club vs. Private Party and Komander

Claudio Castagnoli’s new music hits and he and PAC come out alone at first. As they make their way to the ring, Wheeler Yuta eventually joins them. Private Party enter to the ring alongside Komander, all looking more serious than usual.

Marq Quen starts things off with PAC, and he’s aggressive, driving PAC into the corner and delivering a dropkick. As he comes off the ropes, however, he gets hit by Claudio, who drops him from the apron. PAC delivers stomps to Quen, then tags in Claudio, who delivers hits of his own. Claudio offers a tag to Yuta, but he doesn’t take it. PAC tags in instead and continues kicking Quen in the corner. PAC picks up Quen and drives his face into the turnbuckle bad, then tags Claudio, who delivers a chop. Quen fires back and he and Claudio exchange strikes; Quen gets the better of it for a moment before Claudio hits a bodyslam and a double stomp. Claudio starting down Yuta as he drags Quen to his feet. Quen tries to fight out but Claudio gets him in a hold. Quen fights back but Claudio delivers a uranage onto his own knee. Again, Claudio wants Yuta to tag in, but he won’t. PAC tags in and stands on Quen, kicking him along with Claudio from the apron.

PAC again drives Quen’s head into the turnbuckle pad. Claudio holds Quen’s head for PAC to kick, but Quen manages to land hits on them and dive for the tag to Zay, who makes the hot tag and takes down PAC and Claudio. Zay comes off the rope and PAC lifts him into the air, but he comes down with a DDT. Zay goes for the cover but PAC kicks out and Claudio stomps his injured hand. Claudio forces Yuta to tag in by slapping his chest, then does the Giant Swing to Zay, but Yuta won’t deliver the kick. Claudio is verbally berating Yuta, but Yuta is talking back. PAC joins in but now Komander is in the ring and hits PAC with a dropkick. Claudio tries to do a move but Komander counters it. Claudio falls to the outside, Komander jumps to the top rope and leaps down onto Claudio; Yuta could have stopped him but didn’t. Quen with a dive on PAC and Zay rolls up Yuta for a two count. Yuta comes back to himself somewhat and delivers a slam to Zay. He still seems reluctant and sympathetic toward Zay, but Zay delivers another shot to him and Yuta snaps, tearing at Zay’s injured hand with his fingers and even his teeth before delivering elbows to the side of the head and then locking Zay in the Cattle Mutilation. The ref calls for the bell.

Winners, and still AEW World Trios Champions: PAC, Claudio Castagnoli, and Wheeler Yuta

After the match, PAC and Claudio express their pride in Yuta, who seems to realize what he’s done and flees to the back.

A video for the Outrunners plays, and now it’s time for Hologram!

Hologram vs. The Beast Mortos vs. Dralistico vs. The Beast Mortos

Hologram comes out, followed by Dralistico and The Beast Mortos. The match opens with an exchange between all three wrestlers that ends with Mortos hitting a double clothesline. Dralistico with a head scissors on Hologram, Mortos with a corkscrew takedown on Dralistico, Hologram with a wristlock arm drag on Mortos. All kinds of things are happening now, this match is going extremely fast, with lots of flips exchanged between all three men. Sorry, that’s the best you’re gonna get with what just happened.

Dralistico misses Mortos with an enzuguiri but hits Hologram. Dralistico sends Mortons to the outside then hits him with a tope suicida, after which Hologram follows up with a top of his own on Dralistico as we go to commercial.

Back from break, Mortos is delivering shots to Dralistico in the corner. Tosses him to the other corner, but Dralistico sends him out of the ring. Dralistico counters Hologram into a big slam, then takes down Mortos with a rana. Hologram dodges and weaves around Dralistico and takes him down, ducks a clothesline from Mortos and takes him down with an arm drag. The crowd chants “Hologram.” Dralistico attacks Hologram in the corner but ends up jumping from the top rope to the outside and taking Mortos down with a head scissors. Hologram to the top rope, he jumps down into a springboard senton to the outside.

Hologram rolls Dralistico into the ring, but Dralistico counters and nails a springboard lungblower. Mortos with a pop up Samoan Drop on Dralistico, but the cover is broken up by a double stomp from Hologram. Dralistico takes down Mortos with a Crucifix Driver and now things are getting crazy again. Mortons is beating his hands on the mat and roaring. He grabs Hologram, but Hologram hits a spin kick. He does for a move for Mortos counters into a backbreaker followed by a discus lariat. Dralistico tries to capitalize with a cover, but Hologram kicks out. Mortos and Dralistico now start working together to take down Hologram, including a springboard Mexican Destrouyer from Dralistico. But then Mortos takes Dralistico out with a clothesline, he goes after Hologram but Hologram is able to body drop him to the outside and roll Dralistico into a cradle for the win.

Winner: Hologram

After the match, Dralistico and Mortos start arguing, but now RUSH is out here in a suit. RUSH grabs both men into a hug. Hologram attacks Mortos but now all three men are beating down Hologram. RUSH delivers a headbutt, taking Hologram down. RUSH, Dralistico, and Mortos make the gesture of La Faccion Ingobernables.

In a backstage interview, Kris Statlander is taking to Lexy Nair about how nobody talks about her big wins, but it’s okay, because she’s not insecure. If you were to design a women’s wrestler from the inside out, it wouldn’t even be close to something this good. Every woman in AEW should be saying “Thank you Stat,” because when you face her you get better or you get destroyed. Maybe both.

MxM Collection reveal Max Caster’s new jacket

MxM Collection come out and they have what is presumably Max Caster’s jacket hidden under a black cloth. Mansoor asks if the crowd is ready for the “Grand Slam” finale to New York Fashion Week, then the two introduce each other and touch tips. Mansoor says they reclaimed Max Caster’s jacket because it was ugly, like Max, and was emblazoned with a lie, saying that Max Caster is the best wrestler alive. This makes them crack up. They’ve made some alterations though. They promise that all the male models will be just as handsome as them.

Some music hits and a series of people holding Mason and Mansoor’s faces on popsicle stick masks in front of their faces walk out to the ring as MxM Collection announces where they’re from and what they’re wearing. There are maybe six of them. After asking the crowd to cheer the models, they take off the black cloth to reveal a very large muscular man named Hans wearing Caster’s modified jacket. The jacket now says “Best Dressed Alive.” Mansoor then asks Hans to “take it off.” Hans is doing a lot of posing and showing off his muscles. Mansoor says Hans would be perfect for MxM Collection and says it would be a honor if he would touch their tips. Hans grabs their fingers instead and takes off the stick mask to reveal that he’s actually Billy Gunn.

Gunn attacks MxM but the models take him down, which brings out The Acclaimed to take everyone down. The Acclaimed give one of the models a tag team move, then Caster puts on the jacket and scissors both Gunn and Anthony Bowens while MxM Collection are apoplectic on the ramp and hey it’s time for another commercial.

Lumberjack Strap Match: Adam Page vs. Jeff Jarrett

“Hangman” Adam Page’s music hits and he comes down for his Lumberjack Strap Match with Jeff Jarrett. There are several lumberjacks outside, including the Bang Bang Gang and Dark Order, all holding straps. Now it’s bree-woo time as Jarrett comes out with his guitar and his stable, including Karen Jarrett, Jay Lethal, and Satnam Singh. They apparently still don’t have a collective name, go figure.

The lumberjacks bang their straps on the mat and Page attacks, getting into a strike exchange with Jarrett. Page whips Jarrett off the ropes and catches him with a big boot. Jarrett sends Page to the apron, but the lumberjacks can’t hit him unless he’s on the outside. Page gets Jarrett into the corner and delivers punches and chops. Page whips Jarrett again, misses a clothesline, but catches his dive attempt and hits a Fallaway Slam. Jarrett rolls to the apron, Page comes after him, Jarrett back drop Page to the outside but Page quickly gets back in the ring. Page goes for a Deadeye but Jarrett counters and gets Page into a Sharpshooter, or at least tries before Page bites him as a counter. Page sends Jarrett to the outside, but Jarrett’s people are also lumberjacks and won’t attack him. When Page throws Jarrett to the other side, however, the Dark Order and Juice Robinson do strap him. Jericho gets back into the ring, Page hits him with a belly-to-belly suplex for a two count.

It seemed like we were going to commercial but apparently not. This is awkward. Page gets Jarrett into the corner and slowly delivers chops and taunts the crowd, which seems like something you’d do if you thought it was picture-in-picture. Anyway Jarrett manages to get the upper hand for a moment, but Page knocks him to the outside again and the Bang Bang Gang gleefully straps him. He gets back in the ring where Page hits a suplex for two. Page now trying to kick Jarrett out of the ring, but Jarrett stands up on the apron. Page delivers punches but Jarrett fights through it and wants to be hit again. Now we are having problems with the feed, which seemed to briefly go backward, and now things are just completely messed up and we have white letters on a black screen.

Okay so after the feed went backwards a few times, trying to restart things like Hangman’s entrance before glitching out, we’re finally here, in the commercial break that was probably meant to happen earlier. Looks like we’re back in real time in the ring judging by the picture-in-picture so we’ll get right back into it in a moment.

Now the picture-in-picture has gone away but there are still commercials and this is legitimately hilarious.

Okay we’re finally back and Jarrett hits a Russian leg sweep on Page and throws him out of the ring, where he gets strapped. Jarrett hits a leg lariat on Page while he’s against the ropes but Page throws Jarrett to the outside and hits a basement dropkick. Now Page is on the outside and he’s fighting all the lumberjacks, beating up everyone. Page sets up for the Buckshot Lariat but Juice Robinson hits him with a strap while he’s on the apron, which the referee can’t see because it’s illegal. Page and Robinson getting into it, but Jarrett climbs to the top rope and dives on them. Jarrett gets Page back in the ring and goes for the Stroke, but Page counters and hits Jarrett with a strap, which he got somehow. Karen Jarrett now in the ring and Page is threatening her with the strap. Karen covering Jeff and Page is being conflicted. Page goes to hit Karen but Lethal stops him. Page straps Lethal. Jarrett is back up and he straps Page. Page rolls to the outside and Dark Order strap him a ton. And now the Bang Bang Gang join in. Juice hits Page with a palm strike, Lethal holds Page while Singh straps him and rolls him back into the ring. Jeff holds Page while Karen straps him but Aubrey is holding Karen back and Page delivers a low blow, following by the Deadeye for the win.

Winner: “Hangman” Adam Page

After the match, the Bang Bang Gang come to Jarrett’s aid, so Page attacks them and tries to hang Juice over the top rope. The Gunns fight him off and stare him down as Page walks backward up the ramp.

AEW Continental Championship Eliminator Match: Kazuchika Okada vs. Sammy Guevara

Here comes Okada, who is wearing the title belt and a very nice black-and-white dragon trenchcoat. And now Sammy Guevara is here, accompanied by his ROH tag team champion partner Dustin Rhodes.

The two circle and lock up, Okada gets Sammy’s back but Sammy switches. Okada break’s Sammy’s grip and turns it into a wristlock. Sammy counters with a backflip and locks in a wristlock of his own. Okada breaks the hold by grabbing Sammy’s hair and pushing him back into the ropes while the ref counts. Okada pretends to slap Sammy’s chest but pats him on the head instead. Okada with a kick and a punch to drive Sammy down, snapmares him over into a sitting position, then hits the ropes and delivers a dropkick. Sammy kicks out at one after Okada takes his time making the cover.

Okada with a whip but Sammy reverses, flips over him and delivers a dropkick. He then does a springboard and flips back into the ring for a cocky pose. Okada goes to get back in the ring but but Sammy dropkicks him off the apron again and then hits a tope con hiro to the outside. Sammy throws Okada back into the ring and prepares to do another springboard move, but Okada rolls to the other side and back to the outside. Sammy runs around the ring, runs up the steps and jumps to deliver a leaping cutter to Okada on the outside. Sammy is selling that the move hurt him too as he gets back on the aprin. Goes for a moonsault to the outside but Okada dodges, kicks him in the gut, and hits a DDT on the outside. Okada smiling like a maniac as we go to what is presumably our last commercial break.

Back from break, Okada has a cravat on Sammy but he fights out with elbows. Sammy counters a whip and bounces off the ring several times but gets caught by Okada, only to hit a big move driving Okada’s head to the mat. Sammy and Okada get into a strike exchange that Okada wins. Okada sends Sammy into the ropes again but misses the lariat, Sammy bounces off the ropes and nails Okada, kips up, then knocks him to the outside and hits a tope. Sammy climbs to the top rope and crosses himself before hitting Okada with a moonsault to the outside. The ref is counting with both men down. Sammy uses the barricade to climb to his feet and gets Okada on his shoulders, but Okada counters. Sammy runs at Okada, who counters again into a back drop that sends Sammy into the ring steps.

Guevara selling his knee as Okada gets him into the ring. Okada sends Sammy into the ropes with a whip and hits a standing dropkick, then goes up to the top rope and comes down with an elbow drop. Okada goes for the Rainmaker pose but flips the crowd off instead. Okada goes for the Rainmaker but Sammy counters into a cradle for two. Sammy rolls onto the apron and goes for a springboard move but misses. Okada shoves the ref into Sammy but Sammy counters his next move and his the GTS. Sammy attacks Okada in the corner, hits an enzuguiri from the apron and goes for another springboard move, but Okada catches him and hits him in the back of the head with the Rainmaker for three. No Continental title shot for Guevara.

Winner: Kazuchika Okada

We go to credits.

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9/28 AEW Collision: Grand Slam Results

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