WWE Smackdown Results (September 27, 2024)

WNS HomeThe bell rings and the women circle the ring and lock up and Naomi sneaks in a schoolgirl for a one count. They go back to grappling into the ropes and it’s broken up. Naomi gets Bayley down and flips into a pin for a two. Naomi bounces off the ropes and pins again for a two. In the corner, Naomi smokes Bayley across the face and then women stare down and push each other. Bayley knocks Naomi down with a shoulder block and then a clothesline for a two count cover. Bayley jumps off them middle rope and hits an arm drag. Naomi comes back with a bulldog and superkick sending Bayley out of the ring. Naomi jumps over the rope with a corkscrew plancha and we go to commercial.Winner and Number One Contender: BayleyThe bell rings and Andrade hits Hayes with a drop kicks and gets him in the corner and stomps on him. Andrade tries to get Hayes in the corner, and Hayes moves out of the way and punches out Andrade. Hayes hits a flipping faceplant on Andrade who is tangled in the ropes and the men fall to the outside and we get a commercial.Winner: Carmelo HayesMichin is out first, Piper Niven comes out next with Chelsea Green who is holding a trash can ahead of her dumpster match with Michin next week. Chelsea trash talks Michin before the match and Niven tries to ambush her but Michin moves out of the way. Michin gets laid out with a shoulder block. Michin boots Niven and hits a head scissor take down and then comes running at Niven who catches her and slams her. Niven goes for a splash and Michin gets out of the way. Green then distracts Michin outside the ring and Niven comes at Michin with a cannonball of the apron to the outside and we cut to break.Winner: MichinOrton and Owens are out first followed by Sikoa and Fatu. Owens and Fatu start the bout. The men charge each other and punch back and forth. Fatu gets Owens down and Owens does the same followed by a Senton bomb. Fatu is ordered to tag out and Sikoa comes in and charges at Owens. The men trade punches and Owens is taken down with a headbutt. Orton asks for a tag and Owens hesitates and then tags in Orton. Fatu is asking to be tagged in and Sikoa tags in Fatu. Orton and Fatu circle each other and Orton comes at Fatu with a kick and punches him in the corner. Fatu comes back with headbutts and strikes. Orton is sent outside the ring with a clothesline and Fatu goes out to get Orton. Orton kicks Fatu and drops him on the announce table. Fatu gets back up and Orton delivers three more back drops to Fatu on the table. Sikoa comes to make the save and Orton throws him on the announce table too and we cut to break.Winners: Solo Sikoa & Jacob Fatu

Source: rajah.com
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