Tommy Dreamer Says This WWE Star May Be In The Best All-Time Babyface Conversation

When wrestling fans think of prominent babyfaces (or good guys) in industry history, they may likely consider the likes of John Cena, Rey Mysterio, Jeff Hardy, and or even the current AEW World Champion Bryan Danielson. According to WWE alumni Tommy Dreamer, though, there is another name that should be considered.


“… I may have to start putting Sami Zayn up there in some of the greatest babyfaces to watch if you want to study how to be a babyface,” Dreamer said on “Busted Open After Dark.” “I say this about Sami, and I say it as the ultimate compliment, Sami could literally get squashed like an old school job guy tonight and then become your world champion tomorrow. He’s so believable. He’s beautiful in his art form of the sell.”

“He reminds me of Jeff Hardy. Jeff always was doing his magic when he was selling, and then when he finally blows his comeback, but that sell makes the comeback mean so much. I would always talk about [the conversation of] greatest babyfaces of all time, and I may have to start throwing Sami’s name in there.”


According to Dreamer, Zayn works differently than most of his colleagues, but in a good way. Specifically, Dreamer believes the way Zayn sells moves in the ring is so effective that many, including himself, still view Zayn, a former decorated champion, to be an underdog. As an example, Dreamer pointed toward Zayn’s current feud with WWE World Heavyweight Champion GUNTHER, whom he already beat on the grand stage of WWE WrestleMania. Despite that, Dreamer feels like Zayn is still fighting from underneath “The Ring General.”

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit “Busted Open After Dark” with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

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